Pass it on. To your friends, family and most especially to the spineless creatures in Washington. It is imperative for us to do so.
Why aren’t Whites out in the streets screaming about this? Banging on the doors of their legislators? Shouting from the rooftops, “I can’t take it anymore.” We’ve heard many reasons why Whites are in hiding. I’m not sure I believe any of them. Something is wrong. Very wrong. Jobs? No courageous single White people willing to lose their jobs to save our race? None willing to go to jail for a few days like Tommy Robinson? He’s married with kids. No retirees willing to take the brunt? Think of the lives your children and grandchildren will have living in a country ruled by Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims. Do you have any concern for them? Where are you wealthy White people? I know you are out there. What about you White lawyers? Do something for the White race, your own kind. Donate to form a White civil rights organization or are all of you cowards, too?–AmRen Commentator