A Discussion On Race, Crime And The Inconvenient Facts

Use this article to try and educate some of the useful idiots.

The racial violence issue in the U.S. just won’t go away. Still in the aftermath of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, now it erupts in Oklahoma. A troubling corollary also adheres, though not universally recognized:

The racial victimhood industry demonstrably cares little about the facts, for example, in cases such as Martin—Zimmerman. The ultimate legal and factual aspects, therefore, become peripheral to the larger societal issue because the race hustlers have been aggressing regardless of the still-opaque full truth.

Because of the roiling irrationality, America may benefit from one further word on the subject from a different perspective.

What of that larger race relations issue? It took zero lag-time after the original Trayvon Martin incident for race baiters such as Al Sharpton to accuse our country of engendering a climate of racist danger for black citizens.

This qualifies as anti-American slander of the first magnitude because the facts are to the contrary — if anyone still cares to know them.

But is there not an established tendency for blacks to be victims of interracial violence in the United States? Hasn’t that been the recent media message? Message, yes; truth, no. Here are the suppressed and inconvenient facts:

About 90% of interracial violent crime in our nation is committed by blacks against whites. The black-on-white murder rate in the U.S. exceeds the white-on-black rate by about 2.5-to-1. The black-on-white assault and battery rate exceeds the corresponding white-on-black rate in this country by at least 10-to-1.

I would rather not report what is known about U.S. interracial rape statistics because it could be taken as incendiary, but the previous numbers in terms of black/white proclivity are dwarfed. (See Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, “Victims and Offenders.&quot ;)

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