Muslims in Sweden Cry Tears of Dismay Over Possible Backlash Against Them

Number One: WHY are there so many primitive Bedouin Muslims in Sweden? Number Two: What self respecting tourist wants to visit Sweden and rub elbows with them? Number Three: When is the leadership of the West going to brought up on charges for allowing these creatures to live among humans?

There has been strong criticism of the Paris shootings from Muslim leaders who already fear growing Islamophobia following recent attacks on Swedish mosques. But some Swedish Muslim extremists have backed Wednesday’s attack on a French satirical magazine.

A secret Facebook group of Swedish jihadists** and their supporters was accessed by the Swedish broadcaster SVT on Wednesday, with the network discovering messages praising the attack on Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris.

One member of the group posted: “Now these disgusting pigs will think twice before they mock Allah and His prophet.”

Another called for Allah to “multiply such attacks”.

Those accessing the site were understood to include jihadists who had been involved in fighting in Syria and Iraq. 430 people are members of the Facebook group, which is invisible to the public.

** They are NOT Swedes. –Ed.

At a Stockholm rally in solidarity with the victims of the shootings on Wednesday, a French student told The Local that he had also seen Muslims praising the attacks online.

“It is a very complicated situation and we should not just ‘amalgamate’ all Muslims and extremists, because most Muslim people are not extreme,” said Lucas Bayle.

“But it is the case that some Muslims agree with what happened. I have seen this on social media and on Facebook – people saying it was their fault [the magazine]…I think that there is a big problem with this kind of mentality.”

Continue to article, valuable links….
