The Endgame – Full White Genocide Documentary Preview (Pass It on)

Listen. Think. ACT. Then, let it be known by whatever means necessary: ‘I am a supporter of European-Americans and I wish for us to remain a majority. I am an advocate for our people in exactly the same way that other groups are advocates for their people. Do you have a problem with that?

Sickening, isn’t it? We’ve all understood for a very long time how the federal government and other well paid Social Justice Warriors coddle Third World interlopers, portraying them somehow as more wholesome and additionally qualified to be new Americans. In truth the stinking Third World and so-called “developing nations” have a better grasp of political religious and racial preservation than the United States, the very place their own people will kill themselves to reach if given half a chance. Which is to say while the vast majority of non-white nation-states will occasionally reveal their own bigotry, their audacity to blend us out is close to universal. While their reasons are varied, they do have their own vested interests for occupying White nations, which are, in multiple lines of psychological attack, regarded as somehow sacred.

And of course white Western nations are not allowed that kind of latitude; and ALL are supposed to allow [non-whites] to swarm across their perimeters in order to achieve some kind of cockamamie redemption through sacrifice and tolerance.

Remember, tolerance is a code word for coercion.


