News of the World: Links

At this time we can start by saying this: ‘I am a supporter of European-Americans and I wish for us to remain a majority. I am an advocate for our people in exactly the same way that other groups are advocates for their people. We will bow to no one. Do you have a problem with that?’

Hispanics will kill the Republican Party and turn the US into Mexico

Whining Walker Drops Out, Attacks Trump, Donors Flock to Open Border #Cuckservative Rubio

‘Breaking Down the Doors’ of Europe

Patriotic Finns protest and block a road for “refugees”

White Nationalists Launch Robocalls About ‘White Genocide’ for 2016 Campaign (Many feelings hurt–Ed.)

Black male shot at whites for fun, shot elderly white woman in the chest

The White House trolls #cuckservatives]

Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in a nutshell
