Current News Briefs

Our loyal contributors are keeping us on our toes again. The news queue is full. Here’s the latest crop of news briefs that you would in all likelihood not have heard about were it not for the best newshounds a site like ours could ask for.

The big bankers in America are in a desperate PR campaign to cover up for their crimes because they know their corrupt system is being exposed (correct story–Ed)

America’s consumer economy, approximately 70 percent of gross domestic product, is dead. Someone or something is going to have to pay for this madness.

Britain is teetering on the brink of collapse ala California because there are to many people with their hands out looking for a handout

And speaking of Britain, they’re about fed up with Israel’s conduct in Gaza.
The United States can take a lesson from Britain’s ongoing struggle not so long ago to retain an empire.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Senator Jim DeMint are gaining new friends and a mortal enemy.

Barry Sotero tells blacks what white people have been saying for decades. Bet they don’t listen.

This congressman won’t let AG Holder get away with it any longer. Tell him thank you.

Once considered the dynamo of Europe, Germany, especially her children ,languish in the new world economy.
