It’s Starting to Smell Like Violence, I Am Sorry To Say.

Will there be open political war on white males?

I was reading the comments to this article on Salon:

It’s entitled “My GOP: Too old, too white to win.” I didn’t even readthe article. It’s familiar advice to the GOP that they have to “reachout” to minorities if they expect to win.

But the comments (which are called “letters” at Salon) are amazing, anincredible amount of pure hatred directed toward white males. There istriumphalism in it: White males are outnumbered! They are on the wayout! And there’s nothing they can do about it! Also frequentlyexpressed in these comments is the notion that white males are thecause of all the world’s problems.

It’s starting to smell like violence, I am sorry to say. Depending onhow the U.S. economy unravels, violence could be coming quite soon to aneighborhood near you.

Here are examples of the anti-white comments at Salon following thearticle “My GOP: Too old, too white to win,” which I told you about inmy previous comment:


The section of North America we call the United Statesnever should have been a land of powerful white Christian males. Theland was taken; Plymouth Rock landed on the non-Elect. May the City ona Hill turn something other than lily white.

The modern-day GOP represents the entrenched powers who have usedpolitical clout and, from time to time, physical violence, to robdignity and extract profit from the masses. -schenka


“The Base” is dedicated to keeping hippies, sluts, spics, homos, gooks,ragheads, and blacks (I’ll leave out the real word) in their place.Good luck with finding enough people to vote against their own interestto side with the brownshirts. I hope this helps.–anon anon


“he would have won the popular vote before a single non-white vote wascast.” Because of course in the good ole days, whites voted first.Right? Interesting what your use of language reveals about yoursubconscious, you f*cking stupid racist Republican.–SB


What a transparent attempt… …to respin the class white malepersecution complex. It’s not the fault of your policies or ideology!The tides of demography have run against you! There is absolutely no,do you hear me, no need to examine what you advocate as a party and howyou’ve chosen to lead this country! Just figure out how to trick thosebrown skinned people onto your side!–StephenAshley


I believe that following a fullscale federal investigation of highcrimes committed in office the entire assets of the GOP and itscoorporate partners should following prosecution be seized andreimbursed to the US Treasury and a constitutional convention convenedto reaffirm and ammend our founding documents to prevent any form ofgovernment secrecy or collusion with any business interest or religiousinstitution what so ever in the future. You are not the loosers you arethe winners and for the protection of society most of you should beexiled from the US and fobidden to return.–grmorrison


Soon we’ll be able to round up all the white eyes and herd them into camps for extermination.–NP NP


Simple as addition and subtraction The article covers the “too white”part. Here’s the “too old” part. Every year young, open-minded17-year-olds turn 18, and every year, old, racist Republicans turn overin their graves.–IBelieveInSanta


core values? Just what are the GOP’s core principles. I think I knowwhat they are. Xenophobia, homophobia, and hatred of women! Get offthat BS and you may survive as a party, otherwise go away. We are tiredof your over moralizing and your walking in lockstep with racistfools.–teresa


Anyone other than rich white men would be foolish indeed to vote forany Republican. The Democrats are no dreamboats either, not by a longshot, but the Republicans are murderous greedy lunatics. They must bedriven into sobbing defeat and never allowed to run the countryagain.–No-Doz


As the monopoly on power enjoyed by Caucasian-Christian males over thelast several centuries of Western Civilization continues to fade, it’sinevitable that many of those who benefited from the stacked deck willnot easily give up “the good old days” when their rule was unquestionedand they could dole out crumbs to the “inferior” races and “weaker” sexas they wished. -bpai99


I see an America where Liberals and Republicans Hack each other to bits with machetes a-la Rwanda. And I am cheering.–NP NP


Yes “demographics” are against the Republicans, but far worse, and whatwill cause the current Limbaugh Corporatist Republican Party to becomethe modern Whig Party, is their anti-science “delusions”, phonyChristian “values”, their belief in endless war & EMPIRE, theirbelief in gut decisions over rational, intelligent decision making,their “complete” ownership by the CORPORATIONS, their deep rootedancestry & connection to the old Confederacy of the Civil WarSouth, their blind suicidal jihad that worships GREED & theSupremacy of the Wealthy, where every problem can be solved by theirholy mantra of tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts… especially when thosetax cuts go almost exclusively to their CORPORATE OWNERS & theirfellow brethren, the VERY RICH! When Rush Limbaugh THE symbol of GREED& Piggish Excess is your leading spokesman, then only the “truebelievers” & “cult fanatics” remain to drink the deadly Kool-Aidleading to the Republicans ultimate & well deserved EXTINCTION!Demographics is “the least” of the Republicans problems. May theRepublican Party & their OUTMODED & DESTRUCTIVE IDEAS–rest inpeace & forever be banished from the EARTH–goodriddance!–exoevolution


F*ck The GOP I’m a 39 year old white male independent voter and Iabsolutely DESPISE the GOP and everything it stands for. I hateRepublicans like cancer and can’t wait to see their sick, insane partydie the death that it deserves. Not that I think the Dems are all thatgreat–they sure do manage to f*ck up alot–but Republicans aredownright EVIL. Their failed ideology and cruel, inhumane policies havebeen dragging us down for years. F*ck ANYBODY who wants to drown ourgovernment in a bathtub–I happen to LOVE my country and itsgovernment, so F*CK YOU, GOP! I can’t wait to see these Republicandeadender dumbf*cks dwindle into irrelevance. Maybe if they had been alittle nicer and a little more decent as human beings when they were inpower, the rest of us wouldn’t hate them now. Please die off soon,motherf*ckers–nobody wants to hear your shit anymore!–Giant Bastard


I wish I wasn’t an atheist so I could pray to God everyday that”conservatives” become politically extinct or self-secluded into littleharmless enclaves like the Amish and Mennonites and let the rest of usget on with attempting to create a new modern world that works foreveryone.–rrheard


I Have A Solution In A Bottle For Republicans It’s called rat poison.Drink up, you motherf*cking Republican rats. The sooner you dumbf*cksall die off, the sooner we can fix your goddamn messes.A**holes!–Giant Bastard


We learned what black voters already knew: that when Republicans chooseto demagogue race, white voters react like a lynch mob. It’s notpretty, and we don’t need to encourage it. I’m even disappointed thatonly 60% of Latinos or so vote Democratic. I’d like to see a 90%supermajority like in the black community. The point is, this party hasdone a lot of damage to racial and group relationships and it needs topay or keep paying for it. Obama represents the future, McCain thepast.–G.A. Reyes


To Quote Wyatt Earp in TOMBSTONE, You Righttard Traitors (and that isALL of you!): “You called down the thunder? Well, Now You Got It!” Youcouldn’t play wedge-issue, hate-filled, divisive politics forever andexpect to keep winning–not when hate-filled White Americans areincreasing a dying-out minority voting bloc, you can’t. So me–as aNON-Righttard White Male? I just look at what’s happening to you allwith a DEEP sense of the Balance of the Universe correctingitself…all over your fat, treasonous, bloated, hate-filled, puffed-upworthless bodies…. Selah.–drdarkeny


Dopey Republicans Are all Republicans this stupid? That article isridiculous. Just another whiney WASP male bellyaching that he can’thave slaves anymore. If there’s anything wrong with the USA today, itis ENTIRELY the fault of the white male. This is what you wanted–apresident like Dough Boy Bush and his disgusting sidekick Cheney. It’sbad enough to have to constantly see dirtbag Liz Cheney (a nobody ifI’ve ever seen one) vomitting her balogna all over the airwaves. Whydon’t you creepy Republicans crawl into the hole that you alone dug foryourselves? I’d be more than happy to cover the hole and be done withyou altogether. GO SARA 2012! Another dingdong Republican product thatwe can laugh at. Take Boehner with you–his pasty whitedeer-in-the-headlights look is getting old.–ItWasAFumble


Thanks, Sherlock Given the title alone, I’m going to go ahead and filethis one under “Duh”. Oh, and the fact that Republicans are spiritualpatsies, willfully ignorant, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted racistsmight want to be a consideration whilst they are pondering theirnavels.–Letterer98


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