Rand Paul, Son Of Ron Paul, Makes A Bid For Senate

Support of the right to keep and bear arms figures high.


More information below read more.


Dr. Paul opposes all federal bailouts of private industry. America isthe land of opportunity, to succeed and to fail. It’s time ourgovernment starts promoting responsibility.


Defending our Country is the most important function of the federalgovernment. When we are threatened, it is the obligation of ourrepresentatives to unleash the full arsenal of power that is granted byand derived from free men and women.


And every dollar we print to service our debt, reduces the value of themoney in your pocket. Rand will fight to strengthen the value of ourDollar so our purchasing power is not destroyed by the sneakiest tax ofall: inflation.


Lowering taxes gives working men and women the ability to take controlof their own lives. It allows business owners to invest in theircompanies, pay their employees, and create new jobs. Lower taxesencourages spending, saving, and investing – all necessary for ahealthy economy.


The Federal Government must return to its constitutionally enumeratedpowers and restore our inalienable rights. America can prosper,preserve personal liberty, and repel national security threats withoutintruding into the personal lives of its citizens. (Read More)


Let’s not give up our rights to those who don’t share the same respectfor our history and our freedoms. The US Government must answer only tothe Constitution and the citizens protected by it. (Read More)


The men and women of our armed services deserve to be treated like theheroes that they are. No other group of federal employees is subject tosuch unfair treatment as our service men and women; and no otherdeserves the best. (Read More)


Rand proposes to restore the parental right to be responsible ineducating children. He supports reduced taxes so that parents canallocate more of their own funds to homeschooling, if they so desire. (Read More)


How many politicians claim they are supporters of the 2nd amendment andthen vote to restrict handguns? We need to send people to Washingtonthat not only understand the 2nd amendment but the entire Bill ofRights.


If we leave our energy policy to the special interests in Washington,we will never solve our energy problems. Our energy crisis stems fromtoo much government intervention. The solution requires allowingbusinesses and ideas to compete. (Read More)


Given this incredible power given to a semi-private institution, onewonders why we don’t hear more about the Fed and its actions from theCongress. As Senator I would make sure that the Federal Reserve is heldaccountable and restore transparency to our monetary system. (Read More)


As a doctor I have had first-hand experience with the vast problemsfacing health care in America. Like other areas of the economy wherethe federal government wields its heavy hand, health care isover-regulated and in need of serious market reforms. As Senator, Iwould ensure that real free market principles are applied to fix thisproblem. (Read More)


Last year, over 15,000 individuals worked for organizations whose solegoal was to rip you off. No, not the mafia or Goldman Sachs, butanother distinctly criminal class—Washington lobbyists. In 2008,corporations and unions spent over $3 billion to bribe officials whoclaim to work for you. (Read More)


Dr. Paul believes life begins at conception. He recognizes the mostbasic function of government is to protect life. It is unconscionablethat government would facilitate the taking of innocent life. Dr. Paulopposes any federal funding for abortion. (Read More)


Dr. Paul does not support amnesty. Those who come here should respectour laws. Dr. Paul supports legal immigration and recognizes that thecountry has been enriched by those who seek the freedom to make a lifefor themselves. (Read More)

