“What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world.” ~Robert E. Lee, letter to his wife, 1864
Axis Forces Country Pop. Killed/Mising Wounded Total(Military) Civilian (deaths) Germany 78m 3.5 million 4.6 million 8.1 million 2million Italy 44m 330,000 ? 70,000 Japan 72m 1.75 million ? 350,000 Rumania 20m 500,000 300,000 800,000 400,000 Bulgaria 6m 10,000 ? 50,000 Hungary 10m 120,000 250,000 370,000 200,000 Finland 4m 100,000 45,000 145,000 4,000 Country Pop. Killed/Mising Wounded Total(Military) Civilian (deaths)
Allied Forces (in order of entry into the war) Country Pop. Killed/Mising Wounded Total(Military) Civilian (deaths) China 450m 1.3 million 1.8 million 3.1 million 9 million Poland 35m 130,000 200,000 330,000 2.5million U.K. 48m 400,000 300,000 700,000 60,000 France 42m 250,000 350,000 600,000 270,000 Australia 7m 30,000 40,000 70,000 — India 360m 36,000 64,000 100,000 — New Zealand 2m 10,000 20,000 30,000 — So. Africa 10m 9,000 14,000 23,000 — Canada 11m 42,000 50,000 92,000 — Denmark 4m 2,000 ? ? 1,000 Norway 3m 10,000 ? ? 6,000 Belgium 8m 12,000 16,000 28,000 100,000 Holland 9m 14,000 7,000 21,000 250,000 Greece 7m 90,000 ? ? 400,000 Yugoslavia 15m 320,000 ? ? 1.3million U.S.S.R. 194m 9 million 18 million 27 million 19 million U.S.A. 129m 300,000 300,000 600,000 —