Tennessee Considering Copy-Cat of Arizona’s Anti-immigration Law

Tennesseans: Contact your representatives to make this happen. — Ed.

On May 20, 2010, the Tennessee senate will once again review SB0194/HB0270, which requires proof of citizenship to register to vote in Tennessee. Voter registration forms have always required registrants to profess United States Citizenship to complete the registration. The current registration forms require the applicant to check “Yes” when asked if he is a U.S. Citizen and includes the stern warning that false information is punishable by 2 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

The new law requires proof that the applicant is a U.S. Citizen in the form of a driver license, non-driving photo ID, birth certificate, United States passport, or Bureau of Indian Affairs card number, or other valid proof of citizenship. Currently, Tennessee relies on the honor system and requires no proof.

This bill is just the first targeting immigration reform in Tennessee, and more are planned to be introduced in January. As many as 10 other states are considering legislation similar to Arizona’s SB 1070.

Arizona immigration legislation

The Arizona immigration legislation has sparked unnecessary controversy, and according to the most recent Gallup poll, 51 percent of Americans support the Arizona legislation. Illegal immigration is already illegal; the Arizona law does not make it illegal. The Arizona legislation changes nothing previously defined by federal law, but makes it easier to enforce the provisions of the federal government that federal officials seem unwilling to implement.

Legal immigration is still legal, and legal immigrants still have the full protection of the Constitution. Illegal and legal immigration are vastly different. One requires sneaking into the country without the consent or knowledge of the government. The other requires background checks, a statement of purpose, and a pledge to abide by the laws of the United States. Legal immigration allows time for assimilation, which is essential to the sustainability of the United States.

Mexican immigration law

In Mexico, illegal immigration is a felony punishable by more than one year in prison, and citizens have the right to report suspected illegal immigrants. To be accepted legally as an immigrant to Mexico, an immigrant must have no criminal records, have something positive to contribute to society, not be any burden to society, and must be able to prove economic stability. The United States may have something to learn from Mexico.

