We Will Win

As political correctness tightens its grip and demographic overrun becomes ever more imminent, I predict many a former liberal will undergo an 11th hour awakening and come to their senses. Expect a resurrection of the ghost of Pim Fortuyn when that happens.

by Keith Preston

Thinkers of the Right often tend towards pessimism because, as Carl Schmitt noted, “all genuine political theories presuppose man to be evil.” Consequently, many on our side see a future where our civilization continues to devolve into something resembling a multicultural, feminist, pornographic, New Age rendition of totalitarianism, to be followed by complete dispossession generated by demographic overrun.  While prevailing trends may at present lend themselves to such a conclusion, there is every reason to believe this state of affairs will eventually be reversed in our favor.

Recall that the repentant Communist Whittaker Chambers told the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948: “I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side. . .but it is better to die on the losing side than to live under Communism.” Such was the perspective of many on the Right during the decades of the Cold War.

But there were others, ranging from Lawrence Dennis to George Kennan to Ludwig von Mises, who begged to differ and regarded Communism as an aberration and deformation that would eventually meet its end. History proved these optimists to be correct, and forty years later it was Communism that was dead. It is likely forty years from now that the paradigm of military Keynesianism, welfare-capitalism, and what some have characterized as “Cultural Marxism” (though my preferred term for this phenomenon is “totalitarian humanism”) that rules the present day West will likewise be deceased or in severe retreat.

