Koran Burning, 9/11, and the Last Man

Pastor Jones and the evangelical True Believers are truly the only ones willing to die for post-modern America.

Publicly burning Korans is an extremely unwise, unnecessary, and vulgar act. The fact that a loon who thinks doing so marks a profound religious and political statement has become a subject of serious discussion has much to do with our hysterical news media, which love to pull out of the woodwork various nutjobs who discredit the possibility of a traditionalist Right. (The loon in question, Pastor Terry Jones of the “Dove World Outreach Center,” has apparently called off the stunt.)

Throughout this fabricated public controversy, the question I have been asking myself is whether the instinctive and passionate support for Pastor Jones and opposition to the “Ground Zero Mosque” on the part of many White Christians represents a healthy, defensive nationalism — something dangerous to the current Establishment……and that might lead to a Western awakening — or whether it’s a false Western consciousness, the kind of blind, flag-waving “Americanism” that only leads to neoconservative wars and the expansion of the Department of Homeland Security.

