The argument needs to be made that it is not just that we “don’t mind” if women work, but that we actually respect and admire women who…exercise and cultivate their talents, wherever these may take them.
by Alex Kurtagic
August 19, 2010
A frequent complaint among traditionalist White political activists is the under-representation of female involvement in pro-White campaigning. Certainly, one factor favoring male interest in this political endeavor is the fear that a world run by White radical traditionalists would deny women economic autonomy, relegating them to the traditional roles of mother and housewife. And to a large degree women can be forgiven for being nervous, because, not only is this caricature perpetuated by the establishment culture, but one sees little in the literature associated with White Nationalism that does anything other than substantiate the caricature: invectives against butch feminist excess are twinned with lamentations at the plummeting White birthrate and a longing for the pre-feminist social order.
When one considers that many women today view the older order as stupefying, mummifying, and (where marriages were loveless or abusive) a serotonin suppressor, it is not surprising that they regard the White Nationalist proposition as a backward step into a dark age of subaltern womanhood.