100,000 Leaflets Distributed by BNP

British National Party keeps up the pressure

I just thought I’d post this quick report of this BNP activity in London this weekend, which saw over 200 activists put out around 100,000 leaflets (pictured right) in North-East London.

Hundreds of activists leafletting on Saturday and Sunday, in the rain for the most part, helped to spread the positive message of the BNP for the indigenous peoples of the British Isles. This is a great example of what can be achieved when people work together to really get out there and put their message out, which is why this has been posted here. The response was fantastic and we are set to make a political Earthquake in next May’s London Mayoral and Greater London Assembly (GLA) elections.

The decent working class folk who live in North-East London, tend to come from the old East-End of London (now horribly ‘enriched’) and were forced to move North into the outskirts after the influx of immigrants in the 1970’s and 1980’s. They are now seeing the same thing happen all over again in their new area and they have had enough. The BNP are the 2nd biggest political party in this area – soon to be the 1st!

Amongst my postbag was a scathing letter from Colin Jordon. According to him I am a sell out for stating that we have Jewish members in the BNP. At first I am a little wounded but then accept that criticism from someone with a sixty year track record of abject failure is not such a bad thing.

Nick has just returned from a short trip over the Irish Sea. It’s been a while since I visited Ulster, but I’m always struck by how well I get on with the people over there. I’ve enjoyed some good times in Eire as well, but I was greatly saddened when I last visited by the sight of African “asylum seekers” roaming around the streets of quaint little villages.

