House Leaders Say Illegal Immigrants Won’t Get Tax Rebates

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since House “leaders” would seem to know where to send illegal immigrants’ tax rebate checks, why are they still in-country?

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. and Republican Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio are disputing contentions that tax rebates from a pending economic stimulus package could go to illegal immigrants.

Phoenix Congressman John Shadegg and other critics of the rebate stimulus plan making its way through Congress worry tax rebates might to go illegal immigrants who have tax identification numbers.

Shadegg, a Republican, voted against the rebates which range between $600 and $1,200. The package has the backing of Democratic and Republican congressional leaders and President Bush. It is aimed at boosting the economy.

Pelosi and Boehner said Thursday in a joint statement the stimulus plan would not allow illegals to get the tax help. They pointed that Bush and business-backed tax cuts passed in 2003 (that most Democrats opposed) also restricted relief going to illegal immigrants.

