Lovelle Mixon: You’ll now have to mention his name with Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, Huey Newton, Jonathan Jackson and Larry Davis.
I thought that the presidency of Barack Obama would be theoccasion for a comeback of the O.J. Simpson acquittal sack dance. Whilethere is some truth in that, I missed the mark. The real occasion for acomeback of the O.J. Simpson acquittal sack dance was the murder offour white police officers in Oakland, California. What is it that manyblack people truly desire? What gives them pleasure and fulfillment?The tearing down and destruction of white people–whether in word, asin the sermons of Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, or in reality.When black thugs murder whites, they are satisfying the desire,inchoate or explicit, of many many blacks. In Oakland it’s explicit.
Paul K. writes:
A friend in law enforcement in the Bay Area wrote me,
There were massive parties all over Oakland celebratingthe shooting that night. During the interviews on TV there were 20 or30 people in the background screaming “F*** the police!” and “They gotwhat they deserved!” It was everything the officers could do torestrain themselves.Bay View, a radicalrag which calls itself a “National Black Newspaper,” celebrates themass murder as “what some in the Black community see as a day of heroicresistance against the police,” under the headline Police 2, Oakland residents 4.”
A columnist for the paper, Jean Damu, writes, “When the full story isfinally told and, though not likely freely admitted by many, deepwithin the spiritual thinking of numerous African Americans, anemotional candle will be lit in memory of Lovelle Mixon.”<<
How many within the black community resonate to these views? More than complacent whites would like to believe, I suspect.