“We are asking our supporters to call their Congressionalrepresentatives immediately to demand that Congress hold emergencyhearings to override the open borders policies of the Obamaadministration and protect our citizens from this potential pandemic.”said William Gheen.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC calls on the Obama administrationto immediately close the southern border and restrict all inbound airand ground traffic from Mexico to emergencies and product deliveryimmediately to protect American lives from the Mexican Swine Fluoutbreak.
“The Obama administration’s failure to secure our borders against apossible pandemic is putting American lives at risk at a time when daysand hours matter,” said William Gheen of ALIPAC. “The weak andinadequate “passive surveillance” described during Sunday’s pressconference is offensive to the rational mind.”
Instead of advising American tourists not totravel to Mexico, or closing border crossings and air travel gates toessential travel only, the Obama administration is treating Mexico likea 51st state, instead of separate nation.ALIPAC is also critical of Obama administration’s failure toappoint key leadership prior to this crisis. America is entering thiscrisis without a secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) orappointees in any of the department’s 19 key posts. President BarackObama has not yet chosen a surgeon general or the head of the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention. His choice to run the Food and DrugAdministration awaits confirmation.
Obama was exposed to swine flu in Mexico by an archaelogist named Solis who died the next day after warmly greeting Obama with a hug. –Ed
“Obama was playing golf Sunday. Instead, he should have beenaddressing the nation, securing the borders, and filling the gaps inour government leadership from an emergency command center!” saidWilliam Gheen. “He refuses to send troops to the border to stop theviolence from spilling over or the Mexican flu from crossing intoAmerica. Instead we get second tier bureaucrats telling Americans towash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough like a bunch of 1stgrade students.”