Preparing For The Future

Ultimately, we want to have in place a determined, unyielding force to be reckoned with who will go to the mat for the continuation of their folk…whether we live to see it or not.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

I’ve been getting a real kick lately over the media’s whining at the recent “revelation” that a large number of European Americans in West Virginia refused to vote for Barack Hussein Obama because of his race. They are saying that only racists aren’t voting for him. Now I find that to be pretty odd thing to say in light of the fact that blacks are voting for him in droves. The media mavens are also harping that there are places in this country where white Americans are still raised to think of black Americans as inferior. And then comes someone like Obama who has “performed off the charts” — from Harvard Law School to the U.S. Senate and now, possibly, on to the White House. Well now, the last time I looked Mr. Obama is not only not black but mixed, he also — by his own admission — had to “find” his black identity when he was an activist on the streets of Chicago. Enter Reverend Wright, Trinity Church, Bill Ayers, and the weird religion known as black identity.

Of course, because Mr. Obama is the exception and not the rule in terms of his race, the media is attempting to stigmatize an already degenerated electorate into feeling like “racists” because they don’t like him. You know something? If European American voters don’t want to put Barack Hussein Obama in the Oval Office because of his race that’s fine with me, as it would empower the black population into unimaginable fits of superficial revenge against “whitey.” But – these same European Americans are not as stupid as the media elites think they are. They do understand the fact that Mr. Obama is the most liberal minded, big government, tax-raising “progressive” that Washington has ever allowed to shamble out of its deepest cellars. This is another reason why blacks will continue to vote for him in droves, too.

Never let it be said you cannot make a difference.

There are a few people involved in the education and preservation of European Americans who hold to this opinion: that unless you are a high profile activist with lots of face time and name recognition you are doing little good on behalf of our people. Well, I’m here to tell you now we should utterly reject that kind of thinking. Think about this: Whether you believe it or not you, our listeners, have probably impacted dozens if not hundreds of people already without the benefit of television cameras or newspaper articles; and not necessarily in terms of race realism but in other ways, commonplace ways. Each of us has characteristics that are unique to the individual, characteristics that appear new and refreshing to everyone around us. Wit, speech patterns, drama, physical stature, thoughtfulness, a fast mind – all these things, including negative characteristics, and more are noticed about you everyday. This can be called branding.

Sometimes we ourselves are conscious of these traits about ourselves and sometimes we are not. But rest assured we all leave impressions on those with whom we share the hours of day and night. Certainly we all have the potential of presenting ourselves as hero’s, scoundrels, or a little of both. In other words two people can present the same information in opposing contexts, one appearing detrimental and the other beneficial. However, it is up to each of us to recognize our strong points and more importantly to diminish or even strengthen our weak points, whether we are talking about racial activism or not.

Those of you who recognize the ruinous demographic sandstorm that looms in the distance due to the ongoing Third World invasion, who understand the federal government has lost track of the most loyal community the United States has ever had, have to find your own niche in life and use it to the fullest on behalf of your people. Remember how inquisitive you were as a child? When we were children, we could raise any question we wanted and not feel like we were being meddlesome. We were simply interested in acquiring information for the sake of rewarding our curiosity. In like manner and with the same wonder, it is up to each EAU member and supporter to find that niche and develop it by virtue of your talents and resources. And of course we’d like to hear about it, too.

Unfortunately the driving force behind living for many of our people these days is the goal of purchasing “things,” and this is a terrible distraction. Not only that, it is also destructive.  We publicly establish success by the amount or value of the objects we own — and by the sum of money we make each year. Through multiple vectors we have become convinced that the things we see will make us better-off, sexier and stylish. It’s almost like pornography with the creation of desire and unrealistic conquests. So we continue to go to work at jobs we find tedious or dreadful just to get the money we need to acquire the things we think will make us “better.” If you are doing work you enjoy that’s certainly a plus, but work is still work and can burn up 40 to 60+ hours a week of your time and energy. And so, as a matter of course, having a life obsessed with money and things is never going to be the blissful existence we think it will be. Oh sure, you’ll be able to “rent” some high class “love” but you won’t be able to buy it.

The compulsion to be successful retail consumers will never last nor will it fill our lives with what we need as a people. This impulse, which is a direct result of predatory capitalism and public manipulation, is based on lies and flights of the imagination that is ultimately trivial and phony. Unfortunately, like juveniles caught up in the immediate indulgence of getting our needs met “now” and to hell with the consequences, we have practiced this work ethic for far too long and in doing so we have lost touch with who we are, not only as a people, but as individuals. It’s not working for us as a race. Unlike blacks, mestizos, Asians and Indians, we have lost our connection to one another and with ourselves, except in the most trivial ways. And I’m here to tell you now that’s not how to leave your mark upon the world, that’s not how we are supposed to brand ourselves to the world around us. We have to be a cut above, an example of common sense, un-distilled courage, fortitude and knowledge. In short as an activist, YOU have to be unforgettable. No, no one is asking anyone to take a vow of chastity or to don sack cloth as you ponder the heavens. But, if you can tell a joke that gets passed around, surely you, we, can present EAU-type information in a way that reconfigures another person’s perception of race and identity toward the positive column, right? Remember that one college professor who imparted a scrap of information that changed forever how you viewed a certain subject (I remember mine. –FR)? Remember the stranger you spoke with who related an incident in his life, or turned a memorable phrase that you never forgot because of its redeeming value? And I’ll bet in one way or another you passed these things along to others, didn’t you? That’s what I’m talking about. Of course, transforming the electorate into a responsible racial movement won’t be easy. Besides the detrimental political and social input — and the urge to consume retail junk — there are still gas prices going out of sight, the inflation crunch, low paying jobs, high taxes, outsourcing and so forth. Our people are terribly distracted these days, but we have to get their attention – and get it now.

It will be a slow process but it has to be an effective process and we can call it whatever we want: ideological subversion, psychological warfare, or whatever. In terms of EAU activism what it basically comes down to is to change the perception of reality of every European American against those elements in the current system that is marginalizing our people. Because of the wealth of information we now have at our disposal we all have the ability to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending ourselves, our families, our country and our race, and this will involve willpower. Period. Remember it takes at least 15 to 20 years to educate one generation of students by their enemies; exposed to the ideology of multiculturalism, miscegenation and open borders. In other words, a brand of Marxist ideology is being pumped into their spongy heads without being challenged or counterbalanced by the fundamental values of American patriotism brought to this continent by their forefathers.

And yet, in spite of some of the best efforts of those who came before us — not all of which I would term sensible– most of the people who graduated in the 60’s were dropouts or crackpot intellectuals. They are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems and we are stuck with them. They have programmed our people (and our enemies) to accept sickness for health and then counter certain stimuli in a self destructive pattern. Basic perceptions and logical behavior regarding self preservation of the group have been utterly weakened – but it’s not dead; the remnants of which are on display in the current Hillary-Barak soap opera & nomination process, the fits in the media as they talk about it, and the voting patterns of the people of West Virginia. Our job is to educate a new generation of patriotically minded racially conscious people who will act in favor of their own kind. Ultimately, we want to have in place a determined, unyielding force to be reckoned with who will go to the mat for the continuation of their folk…whether we live to see it or not.

So — as you move to advance the progress of European Americans in your community, as you impart knowledge and understanding which will then be passed along to others because of your overall presentation – remember that we all are dealing collectively with very real threats. Remember history shows that foolish actions borne out of frustration and anger will only alert the slippery manipulators of public discourse; while the no nonsense unforgettable management of true knowledge will go much further and be more effective. No one has to remind you there are groups and organizations who scheme to keep our people ignorant by smothering critical information. But it is up to us, up to YOU, to make certain that our people come to the right conclusions; that we all prevail through discipline, knowledge, and eventually — our precious posterity.


We have received a number of requests for the production of leaflets. While we do hope to pursue this avenue in the near future, please consider copying and pasting the following text to present to persons of interest. It comes from the webpage of EAU under Foundational Documents. Please ensure a professional appearence of this material and do not mass distribute via nocturnal “flyering” from a moving vehicle. Nor should they be placed in a USPS mailbox. Hand them to folks at an opportune time and encourage them to copy and distribute freely.



European Americans United seeks to preserve and recapture the rights and freedoms of the people who built and founded our nation: European Americans. For far too long, our people and their collective interests have been marginalized and ignored; we have been abandoned by the American political establishment because, unlike every successful, self-conscious group, we have failed to organize ourselves effectively. European Americans United is eager to advocate on the behalf of European American interests, traditions, and values in an increasingly atomized, corrupt, and racially diverse America.

Globalism, which takes many forms, is the main enemy of human diversity and freedom today. Corporations and governments seek to increase their power, and see local laws, traditions and cultures as a hurdle to be overcome. Only by protecting and strengthening these natural differences are all the world’s people likely to establish genuine freedom and social justice. In any given nation, cultures and civilizations are the result of the experience of the basic foundational people and their values. In Europe and European-derived nations like America, our people are under the demographic threat of unchecked Third World immigration and the consequent destruction of our unique way of life. As more and more Third World immigrants pour across our borders in America and Europe, they will unquestionably change our traditions, our cultures, and even our forms of government. Our ideals of democracy, individual freedom, and personal responsibility are unique and exist in no other peoples of the world; we wish to preserve these ideals and pass them along to future generations of our European Americans. We recognize that, should our nation ever attain a non-European majority, our ways of life will be forever lost; they will be replaced by the ways of life cherished by the Third World populations who will then control our political process. America’s culture and political system will then, of course, simply reflect its Third World majority—it will begin to resemble Mexico, or Haiti, or Cuba. In European Americans United, we want more for our children and the future generations of our families.

Race: EAU supports self-determination for all races and peoples. We believe that European Americans have a right to decide how they will live, and that an eventual geographic separation is necessary for the preservation of all unique cultures and values. Our fundamental interest is what most benefits European Americans as a people, and the preservation of our genes and our lands is undoubtedly in our best interest.

Economy: Our nation was founded on values twinning personal initiative with mutual co-operation. From the Plymouth Colony to Andrew Jackson’s Reforms, to the Homestead Act to the New Deal, Americans have known that we all are better off when we recognize basic standards of social justice. But thanks to globalism, dog-eat-dog economics has resulted in offshoring, outsourcing, the destruction of unions, and the gutting of the US economy. We advocate economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation; we believe that the welfare of our people should supercede all other things, including the ability of multinational corporations to exploit or ignore our people for unbridled profits.

Environment: For far too long, corporate interests have neglected our environment, while over-reliance on foreign oil has harmed our foreign policy. We call for efforts to balance man’s relationship with the natural world; therefore, we work to eliminate pollution and the careless destruction of our natural environment. Likewise, we advocate strenuously for the ethical treatment of animals and the preservation of endangered and threatened species.

Freedom: All across the Western world we see threats to our traditional, hard-won freedoms—especially freedom of speech. Whether on college campuses with political correctness or thanks to the vast spying efforts of the US government, our freedoms are being undermined. We call for a return to the vision of the Founding Fathers: a vision that values the rights of people to dissent. We also value the original Bill of Rights, including man’s inalienable rights to keep and bear arms and to be secure in his home and possessions.
