Thank You, ‘Father’ Marx

I find it reprehensible that some of the more high profile media mavens are acting so outraged over this.. priest’s beliefs, when they themselves believe the same thing and have said as much.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version 

The recent outburst by Father Pfleger, Senior Pastor of the predominantly black Saint Sabina Church in Chicago Illinois was a real eye-opener, wasn’t it? Other than the troglodytes of the Southern Poverty Law Center or the Mexican supremacists at LaRaza I can’t recall ever seeing a more vicious yet simpering attack against European Americans than the spectacle of a white priest no less, in Barack Obama’s black church berating the very race to which he himself belongs. Never mind the fact Pflegerwas giving Hillary Clinton down the road; that to me is irrelevant. No, he was going after his own people by way of Mrs. Clinton, not only on behalf of a primitive race to whom European Americans have been conditioned through multiple pressures to literally worship, but also on behalf of the social engineers who pass legislation making it a punitive offense to speak out against the progression of national decay or the people behind it. That was his real message.

With all of the vengeance of a Che Guevara jungle fighter geeked up on meth, Father Pfleger gave our people a bird’s eye view into the dank black well of what they like to call anti racism. Saying he was seeking to “expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head,” Pfleger mocked Mrs. Clinton for appearing to weep at a campaign appearance before the New Hampshire primary in January. Said the mad priest: “She always thought, ‘This is mine. I’m Bill’s wife, I’m white and this is mine,’” Pfleger said in his specious lecture. And as the predominately black congregation responded “Amen!” and “Yes, sir!” Pfleger then pretended to cry and shouted: “Then out of nowhere came him, Barack Obama. And she said: ‘Damn! Where did you come from?! I’m white! I’m entitled! There’s a black man stealing my show!’ But to me the most telling line of this lunatic’s “sermon” was this one: “She wasn’t the only one crying! There was a whole a lot of (other) white people crying!” The voters of West Virginia and Pennsylvania come to mind.

Of course, this is a man who practices black liberation theology believe it or not, a belief system that is fundamentally not a Bible-based, Christ-honoring theology but rather a political and economic “equality” scheme with references to black supremacy.  In other words it is nothing more than a conduit for the views of Karl Marx. And we all know what Marxism did to over 50 million white Christian Europeans, don’t we? Well, it wasn’t long before Barack Hussein Obama said Pfleger’s words were “divisive” and “backward-looking” with Pfleger then apologizing for what he said at Trinity. You see Barack Hussein Obama wants us to think this is an abnormal sermon for Pfleger, but it isn’t. Pfleger wants us to think he is sorry, but he isn’t. The only thing he might feel sorry for is hurting “Barry’s” chance at the White House. He surely isn’t sorry for hurting Hillary’s feelings, like that’s even possible, or anyone else’s for that matter. And really Hillary Clinton couldn’t have asked for a better turn of events although she and Bill are not stupid enough to allow themselves or their underlings to reveal their one and the same anti-white sentiments. Nevertheless, while Pfleger may indeed have hurt the feelings of equality blinded useful idiots I also believe he has gotten the attention of more than few independent minded European Americans; a sector of people who have felt uneasy or uncertain for a long time because of the increasingly shrill anti-white rhetoric being passed off nowadays as political commentary.

They are seeing more and more Obama supporters, more and more pundits and talking heads, more and columnists dropping all pretenses and acting like the anti-White, anti-American, Marxist-Socialists they really are. They are now realizing, perhaps for the first time, the propaganda coming at them from all directions has become more and more intentional, promoting multiculturalism, miscegenation, and White shame and self-hatred ever more noisily.  For anyone who doubts it, white men can for their own reasons also be bigots and racists against other white people, our universities are lousy with them. In fact in terms of damage to our long term posterity, EAU looks upon these insolent beings as the very worst of our enemies. But you know – and I almost hate to say it — Father Pfleger’s viewpoints are simply a stark characterization of what many Christians actually believe: that equality must be served, that white Americans must atone for being white, and that non-white diversity alone must be attained here on earth in order to get to heaven. Additionally, I find it reprehensible that some of the more high profile media mavens are acting so outraged over this idiot priest’s beliefs, when they themselves believe the same thing and have said as much. Pfleger simply said it more clearly than his peers would have—with much less of the Chris Rock nonsense– but he said it to the same receptive audience he’s had for decades; it’s all the same thing. I mean really, go to any mainline church in 2008 that teaches a politically correct version of modern Christianity and you will indeed hear a barely concealed offshoot of what Father Pfleger is saying…and the audience will be just as receptive as Barack Obama’s fellow church members were, though perhaps a little more “sedate” if the members are white. And lest you forget, most politicians think the same way too. Which brings me to the gist of today’s broadcast.

I know it may sound crazy, but I almost hope Barack Hussein Obama becomes the next president of the United States. Why? Well, if Barack Hussein Obama takes a seat in the Oval Office he won’t have to pretend any more and we won’t have to guess who he is. In short order we will understand who he is and what he and his Marxist anti white global boosters in the media really want. He won’t have to throw his comrades under the bus anymore for revealing his spot on inner hatred of white America like he did with his repulsively bawdy pastor Jeremiah Wright. He won’t have to publicly disavow or at least minimize his kinship with fellow haters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.  He won’t feel compelled to soften his iron-clad support of open border proponents like LaRaza, MEChA and the Mexica Movement.  A President Barack Hussein Obama will more easily be able to reach out to his fellow open border Republicrat tribesmen like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and even Hillary Clinton to facilitate the ultimate dream of the southern hemisphere, Aztlan. In fact President Obama will be able to drop what little anti-Muslim pretense he may have been forced to display in his bid for the White House and lend a willing ear to Muslim and Arab tax payer funded pressure groups like the American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the like. Of course all of these groups profess their benevolence and love for America right now, but I think that would harden up pretty fast with President Obama in office. Oh sure, a few neocons like Sean Hannity will nag him about it, and true patriots like Rep. Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan will issue warning after warning. But it won’t stop President Obama from declaring all out political war against white America — whom ALL of these groups and individuals are “opposing” just as sure as the sun comes up. Yes, that would be you European American. The privileged, the white supremacist, the bigot, the entitled and despised race of people descended from the pioneers and early explorers of America.

So yes, if Barack Hussein Obama becomes the next president maybe — just maybe — for once in people’s minds an epiphany will take place, a shock based on self preservation, the safety of children and self certainty, might actually burst upon a good number of stagnant consumer-driven minds. Maybe then our people will understand that we so-called “extremists” who refused to play within the acceptable parameters set down by the elites have been right all along, that the Founding Fathers indeed tried to show us in a thousand ways how to make possible a white future for America and why.  With a clarity they never had before it will dawn on them they won’t have a second chance and now we all must take on that responsibility once again in order to survive our approaching demographic and political decline. We will help them understand why Jefferson said miscegenation should be a crime and that the diverse races should not live under the same government. We will remind them again why the first Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, which stood until 1952 and declared that only European derived people could become citizens of our nation. Perhaps then they will understand why more and more non-White immigrants have continued to flood into America and, and nothing was done to halt the flow, whether the Republicans or the Democrats are in office. We will re-teach them that James Monroe and Francis Scott Key lent their names and their reputations to a plan to send home freed slaves back to Africa, a plan which Lincoln also supported. Eventually it may even be possible to take it a step further and it is this: by whatever means at our disposal we will make the basis of the new republic as explicitly racial as other groups have done at our expense. Where the Founders failed to explicitly enshrine our nation’s racial basis in the constitution in language so unambiguous that it could never be misunderstood we may actually have a chance at doing so. But let’s be clear: we have to understand the Founding Fathers were not compelled to be so explicit in terms of a European America because they never would have dreamed that the government they faithfully handed down to their progeny would have become so pathologically altruistic through the hijacking of its educational and media institutions.

Changing this situation around won’t be easy with people like Father Pfleger, the neocons, the liberals, and the institutional anti white bigots lurking about as they continue their march through the institutions. But putting Barack Hussein Obama into the White House will go a long way in our favor as he and his minions casts an unblinking eye upon his European American enemies. And like I said a few moments ago we all know what Marxism, and ideologies similar to the ones we see today, did to millions of white Europeans and Christians not so very long ago.

