Genes and Guns

While no race of people has a monopoly on virtue or vice,while no race of people has a monopoly on worth and value, contrary topopular misinformation that doesn’t mean they are all interchangeable.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is so effective as a lobbying force that it’s sometimes called the “101st Senator.” The pro-gun pro Second Amendment lobby is an organization with so much smack when it comes to gun legislation that some have accused members of Congress of pushing bills “ghostwritten by the NRA”…as if that’s something new in a town crammed full of lobbyists in Washington DC . Certainly, the NRA has always applied a high level of power as a lobbying group, but they really came of age in the late 1980’s that saw the development of a more politically powerful and resourceful NRA than ever before. In fact during this time period the NRA was successful at blocking key pieces of legislation pertaining to gun control in spite of a decade of high profile shootings.
Moreover the NRA is so powerful and effective that even the most rock ribbed closet Marxists infesting Capitol Hill have second thoughts of opposing them; and sometimes actually side with them when it comes to gun legislation. That’s because they are not above using fear and political oppression as a means of compliance, and some leftists mollify the NRA as much as any republican politician. Being labeled a liberal gun grabber or questioning someone’s national allegiance by the NRA is potentially deadly because that label will almost certainly become permanent.

Occasionalsetbacks aside, next to AIPAC and the insurance companies, the NRA isthe single most ferocious and effective political lobby in the UnitedStates today. Their business is the safeguarding American liberty asset forth by the Constitution and Bill of Rights by way of preservingthe second amendment, not to mention protecting firearms manufacturersand their customers with all that may imply.

So where am I going with all of this? 

The reason I brought this up to you today is very simple — and even a bit startling. By default, the NRA is an organization that defends and supports a distinctly European American agenda, a distinctly white agenda, that being the individual right to keep and bear arms, as clearly pronounced in the second amendment of the Bill of Rights.

In the context of our people’s history the NRA is maintaining the wisdom and fortitude of our European founding fathers – those who brought to these shores the culmination of centuries of philosophy, values, and viewpoints passed down to them by their own forbears. Now I want you to know I do not make this personal evaluation lightly.

While I am not a current member of the NRA in years past I was heavily involved with it and I can tell you the vast majority of its membership roles, related shooting clubs, patriotic groups, allies, supporters, outdoors men, and so forth are almost exclusively of European derived American men and women. And that to us is a good thing. With a few exceptions (such as affirmative action hire NRA Director Roy Innis who marched with (Dr.) Michael King for civil rights and who is also a leader of something called the Congress of Racial Equality, CORE) the NRA is nevertheless an implicitly white phenomena.

With their ability to raise millions of dollars from a near wholly European American membership in order to fund gun safety and educational projects, and lobby on behalf of vigilant Americans involved in the political process they do benefit the general public – whether they will admit it or not – by default, as a wholly white organization. Of course, the NRA will tell you they are ‘color blind’; that they support ‘equality’ and ‘civil rights’ and other pandering sentiments. And if they get wind of this podcast I’m sure there will be hell to pay. But you know as well as I do in today’s media driven social order they have to do that because even the NRA, like other lobbyists, doesn’t want to be distracted since they can barely overcome the wrath of the controlled media even on a good day.

Now imagine if you will the existence of a lobbying faction based in Washington DC called The National European American Association, a group unambiguously dedicated, shamelessly focused on the preservation and education of European Americans; a group with all of the resources personnel, influence and money of the NRA only with no hang-ups about their mission, a group operating as a white advocacy organization not by default but on purpose! That mission statement would frankly say in part:
“Whereas each people create a culture that reinforces its own unique traits, cultures alien to that people would thus fail to reinforce their unique traits and ultimately lead to their dissolution and slow-motion genocide; mass migration of one people into another people’s country causes unnecessary conflict, and hurts both the immigrants and the native population of the nation;

Whereas, the NEAA supports self-determination for all races and peoples; so they are free to develop and practice their own cultures and traditions in an environment that will continue their own unique development;
Whereas European Americans have a right to decide how they will live, and that an eventual geographic separation is necessary for the preservation of all unique cultures and values; that our fundamental interest is what most benefits European Americans as a people, and the preservation of our genes and our lands is undoubtedly in our best interest.”
In other words: while no race of people has a monopoly on virtue or vice, while no race of people has a monopoly on worth and value, contrary to popular misinformation that doesn’t mean they are interchangeable.

Like the NRA the National European American Association would therefore communicate with those of our people who are able to be optimistic influential role models, who in turn can reach ever larger numbers of ordinary European Americans: those who would be horrified to learn about the demographic marginalization, propaganda, political correctness and officially sanctioned hypocrisy directed against our people, against themselves.

That is what we must make every effort to show them — what we and others have been talking about for decades, and we’ve been right all along. We can win and we must win. Why must we win? Why is a group like the National European American Association outlined above so vital to our people? Our nation exists because of its people, and it is because of our people that this homeland remains as the Holy Grail of the “wretched refuse huddled on teeming shores.” It is the creation of genetics passed down from one generation to the next. It is the result of customs, morals, history, folklore, and heritage that have endured and thrived all through the centuries. In fact the idea of allowing the founding demographic people to simply wither on the vine and replace them with dissimilar demographics, expecting them to develop into carbon copies of European Americans, is nothing short of insane. In spite of our imperfections no other people can preserve the United States’ Western culture, values, and liberty.

In 1994 the United Nations, of which I am no fan, created a declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, which is to say European Americans are considered an indigenous people as far as I am concerned. Holding the UN to their alleged principals as stated in this declaration and standing ready to slap down even a whiff of hypocrisy on their part –and of the globalists in Washington DC and their supervisors in the media I might add– article 7of the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states:

Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:

(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.

Responsible thinking mature white Americans should certainly understand: that the five platforms above almost perfectly describe what has been leveled against our kind for the last 60+ years. Witness our people’s plummeting birth rates, open borders, Census projections, cultural political demoralization, and endless anti-white pro non-white propaganda in news and entertainment. Now you tell me a lobbying group similar to the National EA Association isn’t needed. The UN certainly seems to think so, doesn’t it?

In conclusion then, an activist organization like the one I have mind can certainly afford to be bold and explicit, and therefore is a more suitable vehicle for causes that are contentious than say a third party which has to rely on votes. In fact the framework is already in place intended for just such an organization. Yes, that means you. The decisions you make and the involvement required allows the groundwork to continue to be developed. That’s why we must continue to influence decisions made by government; and this must include all attempts to persuade legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents or organized groups.

We are long overdue for a lobbying firm “that is willing to fight for immigration reduction, and other causes like ending affirmative action, on an explicitly pro-white basis. There is a place for race-neutral activist organizations like FAIR and Numbers USA, but political correctness must be fought head-on as well. .. An activist organization can fight political correctness by saying that it represents the interests of white people specifically (link).”

So imagine it, ladies and gentlemen.

The NEAA is so powerful and effective that even the most rock ribbed closet Marxists infesting Capitol Hill would have second thoughts of opposing us; and sometimes actually side with us when it comes to our people’s interests. That’s because we would not be above using fear and political oppression as a means of compliance like they have, and some of these leftists would actually mollify the NEAA as much as any republican politician.

They would understand the penalties. They would understand that being labeled an anti white bigot or suspecting them of hate would be potentially deadly because that label will almost certainly become permanent. They would understand that trying to humiliate us or marginalize our people would be a death sentence for their political careers. LaRaza knows what I’m talking about, don’t you Ms. Merguia? The ADL knows what I’m talking about, don’t you Abe?

Occasional setbacks aside, the National European American Association would be the single most ferocious and effective political lobby in the United States. Our business would be the preservation of not only the Bill of Rights –by way of preserving the second amendment and protecting firearms manufacturers and all that may imply.
Like the 101st senator our primary business would be our people. Rather than existing as a covertly supportive organization of European Americans like the NRA, we would operate as an overtly supportive union working on behalf of a specific demographic with goals that are not only reasonable but necessary…and political correctness be damned; anti-white bigots be damned.

European Americans and their offspring must have a right to decide how they will live, that our fundamental interest is what most benefits European Americans as a people because the preservation of our genes and our lands is undoubtedly in our best interest. You are now involved. Let’s make it happen together.

“Who is Frank Roman?”
