Norman Lowell Interview With Novi ULTIMATUM

Comrade Norman, in the circles of European New Right you are well known as the leader of Maltese rightist political party named Imperium Europa. Why Europe? Which Europe? How do you reconcile ethnic, national, racial, continental elements in your political view?
Why Europe? Because Europe, this lovely bit of earth, belongs to us. This small, mountainous peninsula, pushed against the Atlantic by the Eurasian landmass, is the heartland of our civilisation. A Civilisation that has given the world the very concept of progress.
Other Civilisations like the great Chinese, had a timeless, static quality about them. This is the antithesis of the dynamic spirit embodied in the very fibres of the European peoples.
The IDEA of Imperium Europa is the only Way Forward. The only way to save our Spirit, our Race and High Culture from the present frenzy of self-destruction. For we did it all on our own. We let a hidden Enemy push us into fratricidal wars that saw the best of us killed, our strength sapped, our resources squandered.
Imperium Europa is an IDEA that will unify all Europids.Continue…
