A 14-Day Coronavirus Home Quarantine Checklist

Basic suggestions. Your checklist should include alcohol-based hand sanitizer, medicines and non-perishable food items. But no two households have identical needs or priorities.

Act accordingly.

Are you ready?

According to health officials, this is what you will need:

*Alcohol-based hand sanitizer that’s between 60 and 90 per cent alcohol

*Medicines for headaches, coughs and fever


*Anti-diarrhea medication

*Drinks with electrolytes

Beyond that, also keep the following in mind:

*Have a supply of your prescription medication ready to avoid possible delays during an outbreak or pandemic.

*Get a couple of weeks’ supply of non-perishable food items, such as canned meats, fish, soups, beans and vegetables. Don’t forget bottled water as well.

*Think about your pets as well, and make sure to have enough pet food and litter.

*Keep a stock of household necessities, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper and more.

*Keep some cash on hand in the event of an emergency.

Here are some ideas for foods to stock up on. This list is very general so you can tailor it to your family. For example, you can choose the organic version or the inexpensive version.

Canned fruits and vegetables
Canned meat (tuna, chicken, ham)
Canned soup and pasta meals
Peanut butter
Frozen fruits and vegetables
Dehydrated soups
Meat for the freezer
Powdered milk
Dried fruit
100% fruit juices
V-8 or other vegetable juices (use these instead of water to rehydrate your dehydrated soups)
Nuts and seeds
Canned beans
Snack food – granola bars, cookies, chips – an occasional treat will help with the monotony
Soft tortillas
Refried beans

Add some long-lasting fresh food:

Sweet potatoes

The problem with preparing for a quarantine is that nobody knows how long it’s going to last. At one point, the length of quarantine for those potentially exposed was 14 days. However, newer research has suggested a person could be contagious with the Covid19 virus for up to 27 days – and a person who has had it and recovered can have a recurrence.

If the quarantine is mandatory, it will go on for as long as the government feels it is necessary. Millions of people in China have been in quarantine for well over a month. People in northern Italy just began a quarantine of indefinite length. If it’s voluntary, you’re in control of how long you remain in lockdown. It’s unfortunately impossible to predict what the length of time will be – we can only do our best to prepare.

And by the way: if things get really out of hand–keep your powder dry.
