Sign of the Times: Hypocrites! Vipers!

How have we allowed ourselves to succumb to such weakness ? And what excuses do we hide behind ?
Its as clear as the nose on your face who the system truly hates. Its time to get ‘hot.’

The problem that we’re finding is that people are giving away the inheritance of their own people. It’s as if you have a family business, and you’ve inherited it from a grandfather, and you inherit it from a father, and you have this patriarchal chain of hard work and understanding and excellence and fulfillment, and it comes down to you through the generational sort of structures of the past—and you decided to give it away. You decided to squander it.

Unless and until European Americans either, A) wrest control of the media away from those who seek our demise, or 2) are able to read through the propaganda lies and distortions on a mass scale, we will continue to see the hypocrisy and the continuing effects of that hypocrisy from now on.

It really is that simple.

