Be careful what you wish for. It might come true. (Feel free to share)
There is a political agenda behind the “there is no such thing as the White race” malarkey, and it exposes itself every time the obvious corollary is stated: If there is no such thing as the White race, then there is no collective responsibility for the real and imagined sins it committed against the equally imaginary African, Amerind, and other races which stand impatiently in the handout lines for what’s left of the tax money after the bureaucrats have taken their cut.
No more affirmative action — races do not exist! No more “Holocaust” reparations — races do not exist! No more “diversity” training — races do not exist! Oh, that would never do. It is only the White race which does not — cannot — exist. It cannot exist, because if its existence were admitted, then the genocide which is now being practiced against it would become immediately obvious. And even a few honest liberals might pale at that and spoil the whole show.
The multiracialists have painted themselves into a corner. What to do? Probably just mumble that the “oppressed” groups are “peoples,” “nations,” or something of the sort. And they will hope that Whites never wake from their stupor and coalesce into a “people” just as conscious of its interests and destiny as, say, the Jews.
What a different world that would be. If it is illegitimate morally and untenable scientifically for Whites to organize on the basis of a perceived common race or ethnicity (or even to claim that their race exists), then surely the same would hold true for Jews and Blacks.