The white nationalist triumph will not be the result of disruptive convulsions. It will occur as a natural outcome when power struggles between competing ethnicities emerge [6].
While a relatively new ideology in political and social science, nationalism is often the result of tumult within a multiethnic country. White nationalism refers to a specific kind of ethnic nationalism. Since it is a variant of nationalism it, too, frequently arises out of a negative environment affecting a group. When a country and its institutions fail a particular ethnic group’s political, economic, cultural and basic security needs, history reveals that this group will typically respond with a resurgent will. When ethnic nationalism evolves into a full-fledged intellectual and social idea, group loyalty supersedes all other groups and existing institutions [1].
I am not suggesting the plight of whites in America is currently at this stage. The negative milestones we have passed as a country, however, suggest this will be a reality in twenty-five to thirty years. It is estimated the white race in the United States will represent less than one-third of the population in 2040 [2]. Not only would this be a disastrous demographic scenario for the white Americans, it will mean our political end [3]. Unless there arises a firm intellectual base that begins to assert white issues and develop the white national conscious, we will vanish from this continent without so much as a whimper. We as white Americans are hopelessly behind other races that occupy our homeland when it comes to thinking and behaving as an identity group. In other words, we do not think in nationalistic terms. We simply live in our skins without thought or desire for our kinsmen.
It is taboo to speak of white solidarity. To express and acknowledge the accomplishments of white Americans is seen as propagating wicked white supremacist ideology. Conversely, we are compelled to acknowledge rather minor and inconsequential, so-called “accomplishments” of other races. These trends have taken a terrible toll upon white Americans. We have become neglected stepchildren in the same house where we once dwelled as princes.
There is within us and around us, however, an opportunity that can provide the groundwork for future white solidarity and white nationalism. First, we must establish our legitimate claim to nationhood. A nation is nothing if it isn’t a group that sees itself as a tribe. It is an attitudinal matter first and foremost [4]. To be sure, a common history, common culture, common language, and common ancestors characterize the ties that bind this group. These are the prerequisites that manifest the awesome power to defend their group against aggressors and create confidence to declare the same destiny. It is the recognition of the idea of shared membership and the unshakable belief in group-destiny for which nationalism can provide.
If we are to arrive at the concepts previously outlined, we must first remove ourselves from the concept of our current state. The “republic” in which we live and to which we pay taxes to is simply a territory administered by the federal government. It is a legal entity to which we are said to “belong.” We are patriotic to the state and its federal government. We join its military to protect the state and its institutions. We vote to express our belief in its continuance.
But here is the rub: The “United States of America” is not our republic anymore. Our ownership ended more than a century ago [5]. The discriminatory laws, illegal immigration, and institutionalized anti-white policies currently promulgated by our nation have separated white European Americans from that of the country their ancestors carved out from the wilderness. Pluralism and multiculturalism have silenced the white nation and replaced instinctive self-pride with mandatory self-hatred.
The universities our white scholars created have become hotbeds for anti-white, anti-Western instruction, and third world worship framed in globalist sentiments. The white American male is now a cultural orphan and a political bastard. The only alternative is to belong to the establishment. In order to do this, he must concede to interests that are obviously not his own. He must, in essence, turn his back on his tribe, and deny his natural alliances with his own people, to embrace the multicult Leviathan.
White nationalism, however, postulates a complete and universal system with political, social, and historical commonalities. While nationalism strives to establish a white republic, this republic in truth is only meant to serve as a means to an end. This end is the preservation of white European-Americans in North America. It will be the product of race consciousness and white identity. Our coming republic shall be different from class-based movements or eruptions along secular-fundamentalist fault lines. The white nationalist triumph will not be the result of disruptive convulsions. It will occur as a natural outcome when power struggles between competing ethnicities emerge [6].
I use the term “natural outcome” purposely, because presently in the United States there exist antagonistic group-histories and mounting economic problems. As these negative factors amplify over time, they are likely to manifest into uncontrollable aggressive communities, ethnic attacks, and terroristic threats against the proto-historical “white establishment.” Of course as unemployment increases from the great number of low-skilled minorities, inflation will rise and competition over resources will intensify along racial lines. Emphasizing that last point is important. To our critics it shows that we are not actively seeking an end to America as we know it. Rather, we believe the end is coming in spite of us. Therefore, we must prepare to live separately from those who brought this end upon us, and unite with kinsmen who will ensure such a fate is never repeated again.
Our spiritual, political, social and economic existence will be an expression of white identity. A strong White Republic is the goal of white nationalism. Thus, we must set out now to gain and organize, teach and recruit in order to create the preconditions necessary for realizing this future, necessary Republic.
[1] Alfred Cobban, The Nation State and National Self-Determination (Oxford University Press, 1969), 248-249.
[2] See Donald L. Horowitz, “Conflict and Accomodation: Mexican-Americans in the Cosmopolis” in Walker Connor, editor, Mexican-Americans in Comparative Perspective (Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1985) 84-85.
[3] On the history of nativism in America, see John Higham, Strangers in the Land (New York: Atheneum, 1968).
[4] Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983), 7.
[5] Samuel Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (Fredericksburg, VA: BookCrafters, Inc., 1996), 5, 7.
[6] Esman Milton, Ethnic Politics, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994) 244-45.