The Billionaire Problem

by John Young

People of a more traditional bent, including myself, tend to have an automatic negative reaction to suggestions for targeting “the rich.” And rightly so. It turns out that people of European ancestry pay 81% of the taxes in the United States, even though last year, as Frank Roman foretold, we were a minority of births. Any suggestions for increases in taxation or to target the “rich” or to eliminate deductions automatically harms our Folk.

So I don’t broach this topic lightly.

At the same time, we have to acknowledge that there is a serious problem with extremely wealthy people making use of that wealth to disproportionately influence government policies in a fashion that might work for their own short-term gain, but those gains come at the expense of our people. A very obvious example is when we see billionaires lobbying Congress to keep illegal Third-World immigrants in the country, to admit a never ending flow of “refugees” and to forever raise the number of work visas. These billionaires may, in some cases, even be white — but they do not have a sense of shared history, shared culture and shared destiny with the rest of us, as can be seen by their advocacy of what is essentially genocide for our people.

There is, to some degree, a relationship between possession of certain traditional virtues — such as hard work and perseverance — or the possession of certain attributes, such as intelligence, and a modest degree of success. A man who has an above average or barely genius level IQ can go to college, become an engineer, and earn a wage that will put him, after several years of experience, in about the top 20% of earners. Of course, the places where he will earn the highest salary — in the neighborhood of maybe $110k/year — are also places with ruinously high cost of living.

And of course there are people who start their own successful businesses. In some cases, those businesses, due to innovation and forethought, grow to be quite large, providing meaningful jobs to thousands and thousands of people. And the people who own these businesses certainly deserve their just rewards.

At one time, that was how most wealthy people became wealthy. And their businesses created things. They smelted iron ore, made light bulbs, built cars and produced antibiotics. They did well by doing good. And these businesses also served to employ people and give America one of the highest standards of living in the world. By and large, the people who became wealthy in this way were not cultural destroyers. If anything, they invested heavily in our people and helped to build parks, monuments, schools and more. Many of them were heavily committed to the long-term best interests of America, and were furthermore explicitly racially aware and saw themselves as having a responsibility of stewardship to help our people be their best.

But modernity has seen new ways for small numbers of individuals to amass unbelievable fortunes that would have made the captains of industry of yesteryear blush.

With the advent of fiat currency backed by nothing, and the continuing innovation of stock markets and innumerable financial instruments, some people who perform no useful work at all save brokering trades get wealthy just from the commissions enabled by their special regulatory status. Others, such as Soros who has funded so much evil, have amassed their wealth through currency manipulations that have harmed millions of people. Yet others, such as Zuckerberg, merely provide a platform that predominantly serves as a leftist echo chamber and sell ads that don’t work for advertisers to pay for users who do not even exist to see. These new sorts of billionaires hire people to do things like police what is trending for news, and weed out anything that contradicts their narrative. And, of course, they directly or indirectly fund leftist movements. The leftists on the ground — the Black Lives Matter activists and the Antifa types — never stop to question why billionaires they believe to be their oppressors are actually funding them.

We have other sorts of billionaires as well.

Up until the late 1980’s, banks were limited in size by Federal law and could not cross State borders. While banks in places like New York City were substantially large, they pale in comparison to the size of the banks we see today that resulted from a wave of endless mergers and acquisitions that left us with banks so big that the failure of even one of them could destroy the economy. Too big to fail. These banks provided nothing new, but were able to lay off lots of people and consolidate functions, and, most importantly, due to lack of competition, were able to impose insane levels of fees on people constrained to have bank accounts to live in the modern world. And billionaires were made.

The communications industry is another one that few people think about, because there are 200 channels on their TVs and anyone who lives near a metro area can literally find an FM station at every single spot on the dial. Again, up until the late 1980’s, it was illegal for the same corporate entity to own multiple media outlets in the same region. So radio stations weren’t owned by the same entity that owned a newspaper. No more. You will now find unbelievable levels of consolidation — which not only allows for the amassing of fortunes for billionaires, but also allows for unprecedented levels of control over the desemination of information. But it doesn’t stop there. Entities like Comcast which were, at one time, unassuming cable companies, now literally own the satellites circling the earth, major news networks such as NBC along with the means to distribute that content to the end user. They have so much clout through their billions, that they have successfully lobbied states to make it illegal for local municipalities to distribute Internet, and recently got laws passed making it legal for them to gather all of your web searches and more and sell it.

Commercial real estate is another such enterprise. In many regions, every single piece of commercial real estate available for lease is owned by the same company. Look at the signs.

People are not equal, nor should they be. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that an engineer is paid more than a fast food worker, or that a doctor is paid more than a tomato picker. And there is nothing wrong with people who own successful businesses that provide a desired product making a profit and enjoying wealth.

But at the same time, we have a crop of billionaires whose wealth comes not from advancing the country (though in some cases they have), but mainly through outsourcing labor to third world hell holes, exploiting illegal labor, through paperwork transactions creating de-facto monopolies, and the manipulation of transactions. And far too many of them hate our traditions, hate our culture and hate our people. They exercise insane levels of influence over our political system, so much so that in too many cases — though they use different rhetoric — you can’t distinguish the actions of a Democrat from a Republican. Because both serve the same master. The state, which should be serving its people, has instead been servile to a class of degenerates and literally takes action to extinct and replace its own people. That level of influence is not surprising, given that many individuals hold wealth so vast that it literally exceeds the annual budgets of most of the 50 States.

This problem cannot be solved by taxing, because most of that wealth is not taken as regular income. Instead, the root causes of these accumulations need to be addressed.

Specifically, we need to address the SIZE of an entity. Even for modern companies like Google, once they exceed a certain size they generate wealth that gives them enough influence that our elections are rendered meaningless.

Antitrust laws need to be strengthened and enforced. We need to figure out the maximum size a company should be … before it is forced to be broken up. Laws limiting banks to only a single State need to be reimposed. Cable companies shouldn’t be able to own news networks or vice-versa. Vacant commercial real estate should be taxed heavily so that the “buy and hold” mechanism allowing monopolistic accumulations and confiscatory rents is no longer viable.

There are also things we can do as individuals.

Instead of using Google/Bing/Yahoo directly, use a proxy that denies them your personal information such as SearX or Startpage.
Instead of using Facebook, switch to or
Instead of using a bank, use a credit union.
Instead of using a cable company for TV, either abolish it or switch to something like SlingTV over the Internet.
Run your small business out of your house or out of a van instead of paying a commercial lease.

These may seem small, but given how much of this is built on smoke and mirrors, even a few thousand people will have a discernible impact. But most importantly, write to your Congresscritters thusly:

Dear Representative/Senator,
I am alarmed at the power and influence amassed by a handful of people in our country and the risk it poses to our democracy. I am alarmed at how financially fragile we have become with banks “too big to fail.” I am very concerned about the viability of our news media when single entities can own both the content and the means to distribute it. I ask the following:

1. That our antitrust laws be vigorously enforced and that any corporate entity with a gross income exceeding $40B annually be broken up.
2. That the laws limiting banks to only doing business in a single state be reimposed.
3. That the laws limiting ownership of multiple media outlets in the same market be reimposed.

