Arizona has taken just steps to protect the lives and property of its citizens from invasion. Here’s a very illuminating compilation of comments from those who don’t like it. -Ed
by Tanstaafl
ARIZONA’S DREADFUL ANTI-IMMIGRANT LAW, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of LA Cardinal Roger Mahony, 18 April 2010:
“What led the Arizona legislature to pass such a law is so obvious to all of us who have been working for federal comprehensive immigration reform: the present immigration system is completely incapable of balancing our nation’s need for labor and the supply of that labor. We have built a huge wall along our southern border, and have posted in effect two signs next to each other. One reads, ‘No Trespassing’, and the other reads ‘Help Wanted.’ The ill-conceived Arizona law does nothing to balance our labor needs.”
“The law is wrongly assuming that Arizona residents, including local law enforcement personnel, will now shift their total attention to guessing which Latino-looking or foreign-looking person may or may not have proper documents. That’s also nonsense. American people are fair-minded and respectful. I can’t imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation. Are children supposed to call 911 because one parent does not have proper papers? Are family members and neighbors now supposed to spy on one another, create total distrust across neighborhoods and communities, and report people because of suspicions based upon appearance?”
This is delusional. The government has not finished the border wall, and the people at the top never intend to finish it. The government hasn’t effectively enforced immigration law since Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback in the 1950s, and the signs the anti-White regime has been flashing for decades now read “Free Stuff, Come And Get It!” and “Welcome Non-Whites!”
More than anything else it is mass immigration that brings distrust and suspicions based on appearance, and more than anyone else it is the anti-Whites in media and government forcing this upon us. The Nazism-as-the-epitome-of-evil theme is ever popular, especially in the venom aimed at Arizonans. It indicates the depth and breadth of jewish influence on culture and thought.
The “Russian Communist techniques” were largely jewish techniques. The chilling totalitarian grip of political correctness has increased exactly as jewish influence and power has increased. To the extent “Russian Communist techniques” are already present in this country – be it laws against free speech, free association, or people being encouraged to turn in “racists” and “haters” – jews are the prime source. In earlier times, pre-Vatican II, a Catholic clergyman would have understood and might have forthrightly said as much. Father Coughlin also delved into economics and politics, but unlike Mahony Coughlin sided with the common man, not the aliens or plutocrats.
Obama Seeks Immigration Overhaul, Slams Arizona Law, Bloomberg, 23 April 2010:
“Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others”, Obama said at a Rose Garden naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military. “That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona.”
“The actions by the Arizona legislature threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans,” Obama said. “It also may hamper trust between residents and law enforcement authorities”, he said.
He said he has instructed U.S. authorities to monitor the state’s actions and to “examine the civil rights and other implications” of the legislation.
“Surely we can all agree that when 11 million people in our country are living here illegally, outside the system, that’s unacceptable,” Obama said. “The American people demand and deserve a solution.”
Obama, the ostensible president of the United States and commander in chief of its armed forces, is obviously more concerned for the welfare of invading aliens than the citizenry of Arizona. In this Obama is only slightly worse than his pro-immigrant predecessors, Bush and Clinton. There has been no “failure to act”. The lack of action has been completely deliberate. Mission accomplished, as planned.
For years members of the anti-White regime have sympathized with a surreally constant “12 million” “hiding in the shadows”. Some now are beginning to pretend that the number has actually decreased. The truth is that nobody knows how many interlopers there are. All we do know is that they have no reason to hide. The regime has made it clear that they have no intention to find illegal aliens, much less deport them.