Diversity Equals Division

Few words have been more popular in recent years than “diversity.”

And few concepts have been more destructive.

Destructive of our social fabric, destructive of our moral well-being, destructive of our ability to make judgements.

In schools, non-profits and government programs across the nation, diversity has been held up as a great and noble prize. Some objective to be fought for and given prominence. It has become the top priority in institutions from colleges to corporations.

And it has become a philosphy handed down like the word of god from the pulpits of education, business and government.

And yet it is a bunch of crap.It is not a panacea, it is a poison.

In the name of brotherhood, justice and tolerance, it fosters enmity, inequity and chauvinism.

And that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is the moral relativism which is inherent in it. A moral relativism that poses a great danger to our individual and social health and stability.

The foundation of the diversity movement is an almost shamanistic belief that it is good in and of itself. That diversity must be sought and advanced and that’s that. It’s like a magical thing. College presidents in their exit interviews with reporters boast of increased diversity while ignoring educational outcome. Businesses brag about having a diverse workforce at the same time they lose money.

Diversity has become an end in itself, instead of a means to another end.

And that’s no good.

Because diversity for diversity’s sake is a recipe for disaster.

