Is Asianisation White Genocide?

Darrin Hodges exposes the traitors from both sides of politics who have effectively overridden the will of the people and have given Australia over to the Asians.

The issue of Asianisation may no longer be an issue of immigration. Even if we stopped Asian immigration tomorrow, we could still become Asianised – it would just take a little longer. Asianisation is a story of white genocide, it’s a story that people have forgotten about since Pauline Hanson uttered those immortal worlds “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians”1 and what howls of protest that statement did generate throughout the world and here at home amongst the multicultural elites and their empty-headed useful idiots like those who brought down the White Australia Policy.

Our forefathers were very wise when they decided to implement ideas like the White Australia Policy. It was designed to protect the fledgling Australian society, Australian jobs and the Australian way of life. It was the faceless bureaucrats who decided to weaken the policy in the 1950s and 1960s, always fearful of the old chestnut that other countries would think badly of Australia, as if Asian countries in particular have some sort of high moral ground to stand against us on.
