Chris Adamo
Rush Limbaugh has been having a great time lately, fanning the flames of discord and confusion among the Democrats. But the ability to destabilize their party is hardly a dangerous manifestation of omnipotence on the part of the talk radio giant. Such turmoil could not be foisted on the Democrat Party from without, were it not already morally and philosophically from within.
Consider all of the different fronts on which the Democrat Party lately finds itself in a total of the party no matter who wins the nomination.
In such a tainted atmosphere, it is highly unlikely that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-CA) will gain much traction to define the debate during this election cycle with her sanctimonious rants about a Republican “culture of corruption.” And more of the same is likely to come.The latest controversy du jour is that of Barack Obama and his “former” pastor Jeremiah Wright, who has openly preached racism and hatred for America throughout his career. Yet Obama initially claimed that, while remaining a member of Wright’s church for two decades, he had not been in the pews to hear such venomous sermonizing.
In essence, he offered his own version of the “I smoked it but did not inhale” defense. Upon facing irrefutable evidence to the contrary, he has since resorted to the “inappropriate relationship” posture. His timing for this strategy is particularly bad, considering the candidate against whom he is competing for the Democrat Party nomination.
Moreover, were his claims of innocence even remotely believable, it would not speak well of the seemingly bright Illinois Senator to be so oblivious after twenty years to this malignant elephant in the room. Perhaps, having been married only fifteen years, he has not yet been made aware of the similarly angry anti-American sentiments held by his wife And in light of all this, one has to seriously wonder as a matter of national security just how long it might take him to notice the threats posed to this country by the Islamists.
Interestingly, he seems to exhibit a slightly deeper degree of discernment, and a markedly faster reaction time, when assessing any comment from his political opposition that contains even the slightest suggestion of disparagement against his own ethnicity or culture. In this, he bears far more commonality than contrast with Hillary, whose “steel trap” memory can suddenly degenerate to “I do not recall,” the instant the topic shifts to any of the innumerable Clinton scandals.
It is extremely telling that, with all of the critical and potentially dangerous issues facing the nation, the bulk of energy between these two Democrat campaigns has degenerated to a series of estrogen/melanin wars. Nevertheless, in its current condition, America can glimpse the reality of liberalism.