Did ADL Influence California “Gay Marriage” Ruling?


By http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4565

After the California Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage, the Anti-Defamation League rejoiced:

“We are pleased by the court’s decision supporting the right of same-sex couples to marry, and welcome this reaffirmation of equal protection for all. We are also gratified that the court agreed with our assertion that the law raised privacy issues, exposing gay individuals ‘to http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4607 by those who continue to harbor prejudices that have been rejected by California society at large.”

ADL was, in part, congratulating itself.

Last September ADL and ten homosexual organizations submitted a coalition brief to the California Supreme Court urging legalization of homosexual marriage. Authored by law firm Proskauer Rose, LLP, the brief charted 24 pages of the best legal arguments for same-sex marriage in California. On this legal “highway,” it may have been easier for the liberal California Supreme Court to go where ADL wanted – to decree that it is unconstitutional and discriminatory to bar homosexuals from the privileges, privacy, and protections of marriage. The Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision for gay marriage, in fact, largely mirrors ADL’s well-known position. ADL argues that anything less than equal marital status makes homosexuals “second-class citizens.”Why is ADL’s presence in this coalition significant? Because ADL leads the list, imparting the tremendous authority it has with liberal jurists.

I document in my recent e-alert, “Jewish ABC Celebrates Gay Marriage,” that Jewish activists, whether in the media or anti-Christian “civil liberties” attack groups, are demonstrating not only vehement anti-Christianity but spectacularly powerful ability to shape legal opinions and morality.

In all the public outrage against the California Supreme Court decision, there is little thought that Jewish activism helped make it happen. As usual, “the gay lobby” draws fire from the religious right. Once again, Jewish activists escape suspicion. Unaffected by the tumult, they prepare for their next blasphemous movie, “hate crimes” law, or perverse court decision. Meanwhile, Christians, wearied by Jewish media corruption, sag beneath yet another empowerment of evil.

Only a century ago, sodomy was illegal, punishable by imprisonment. Then, beginning in the early sixties, the Jewish media led efforts to make it acceptable. (See,”Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish”) During the last decade it has been legitimized through same-sex “union.” But now, in its arguments to the California Supreme Court, ADL and the homosexuals allege that only the right of marriage for sodomites will end discrimination against them. The California Supreme Court agreed with the final sentence of the coalition’s brief: “The way to cure this Constitutional infirmity is to permit same-sex couples to marry.”

