Official Says “Devil’s Food Cake” is Racist

“Black hole” brouhaha, continued

By Michelle Malkin  

Yesterday morning, I marveled at the p.c. idiocy of Dallas County (TX) commissioner John Wiley Price, who protested when his colleague Kenneth Mayfield used the term “” to refer to lost paperwork.

The local Fox station in Dallas Fort Worth has the video of the exchange.

The ignorance and sanctimony of John Wiley Price are something to behold.

Partial transcript:

Price: “Can I get an apology, from this day and time (pounding his fist on the table), you don’t sit at a table, where you have diversity, and refer to a black hole!”

Mayfield: Well, sure I do. It’s terminology. It’s a science term!

And it gets worse. Price is not only defending his black hole/white hole protest, he’s gone further and proclaimed “angel’s food cake” and “devil’s food cake” racist terms, too. Oh, and “black sheep” is out as well.Seriously.
