Inside the Left Forum

While the Left Forum may seem like a deranged and dysfunctional pack of idiots, the fact that they have embedded themselves in our educational system means they actually are a danger.

The weekend of March 18-20, I attended the ‘Left Forum’ hosted by Pace University in New York City.  The forum featured a motley mix of hard left extremists, many of whom openly espoused the violent overthrow of the government and the use of state power to physically destroy conservatives.  It also featured a great number of American educators. As it turns out, many of the hard left extremists were also educators, revealing the extent to which the avowed enemies of America have successfully infiltrated the educational establishment.

I should note that one flier handed out by a left wing ‘anarchist’ group targeted YWC directly.  Of course, by ‘anarchist’ I mean the usual system militants who can be found squawking about the need for more state funding for social programs.
 This particular group celebrated President Ronald Reagan’s death by plastering the slogan “ROT IN HELL” over the President’s picture, and is currently displaying a video of a man brandishing an AK-47 assault rifle, which he boasts “will get the job done” and points at the camera and says “here you go, fuckin’ bang” in response to an internet argument on another website.

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