The Marketing of Evil

Awakened young people realize they were lied to by merchants of degeneracy.

“It disgusted me to see so many of the so-called “coolest” and looked-up-to kids being revered when in fact they were suffering from a hideous identity crisis. Any white senior wearing a Malcolm X hat backwards and intentionally altering his voice so as to sound like an uneducated black male raised in the ghetto is nothing but a joke to me now. The strange thing is, this is what my peers like and respect.”

“Before I read the article, I was a prisoner of thinking I had to be a certain way. But reading this confirmed what I knew deep down, which was that that was the last way I needed to be. I was very image-conscious before I read this article and it completely dispelled my desire to conform. I was completely exhausted from trying to conform to the way everybody else was. I realized that I no longer wanted my actions to be the result of believing a lie.”


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