Money Flowing to Immigrants’ Countries Slows
“But that money has to be sent back home; my mom depends on it for her medicine, for their food, to pay their bills, basically everything.” * By Perla Trevizo Some local money-transfer businesses are […]
The voice of the European American nation
“But that money has to be sent back home; my mom depends on it for her medicine, for their food, to pay their bills, basically everything.” * By Perla Trevizo Some local money-transfer businesses are […]
European Americans United urges its members and the readership of Western Voices World News to familiarize themselves with the foundational documents of not only the United States, but also of Western man’s self realization and his place in […]
European Americans United believes globalism, which takes many forms, is the main enemy of human diversity and freedom today. Corporations and governments seek to increase their power, and see local laws, traditions and cultures as […]
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 with guest FRANK ROMAN FIRST HOUR: James Edwards will be providing you with an hour chock-full of interesting news and information as we get the show rolling this evening! SECOND HOUR: FRANK […]
The report warns about Europe’s “demographic winter”, its marginal growth in the last twenty years, unequally distributed, with a clear drop in population in eastern European countries.* “In the Europe of 15 countries, population growth […]
Police arrested 83 Columbus Day Parade protesters including American Indian Movement activist Russell Means after fake blood and dismembered baby dolls were poured on the parade route Saturday. At least 10 of those arrested faced […]
What’s uplifting about biracial children, loss of identity, the corruption of separate and unique gene pools and the death of a nation? By Frank Roman Audio Version You know I really do get sick of […]
Mavens invoke Mussolini to frighten, demoralize voters The posters taped on the walls at a political rally here capture the rawness of Switzerland’s national electoral campaign: Three white sheep stand on the Swiss flag, as one […]
Mistook customers silence, attempted speech as racist. By Alex Branch A store cashier struck a deaf customer in the head with a crowbar after he mistook the man’s silence for rudeness and disrespect, police said. The cashier, […]
“This will arguably be the third great revolution of America, if we can prove that we literally can live without having a dominant European culture.” – Former President Bill Clinton By Vanishing American From the […]