Germany Cracks Down on Salafist Muslims
Too little too late? Remember: None of this would be necessary without the support of a corrupt and hostile state, media, and academia. Nations do not as a normal course of policy inflict suicide upon […]
The voice of the European American nation
Archival posts from 2007-2012
Too little too late? Remember: None of this would be necessary without the support of a corrupt and hostile state, media, and academia. Nations do not as a normal course of policy inflict suicide upon […]
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ~Aristotle “>.All five suspects involved in the brutal break-in and sexual assault are now in police custody, giving some relief to their victims. Dillon […]
We found this informative graphic on the Internet. Very concise — pass it along! 2012-06-12
Do not employ or accept the terms of your enemy. Never accept the defamatory phrase “non-Hispanic White.” White men must never be defined by what they are not, especially not in their own White nations. […]
Missed? More like ignored. Early in the morning of Jan. 7, 2007, two young people were kidnapped after leaving a friend’s apartment, tortured for days, murdered and dumped. The couple suffered untold agony, and the […]
It’s difficult to know where to begin with Warren Kinsella’s illogical and rather juvenile diatribe regarding the repeal of the notorious “Section 13″ of the Canadian Human Rights Act. So, in no particular order, here […]
Same old same old Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, argued that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president. […]
“Perhaps the gap (in academic performance) “is still existing” because the principal is more focused on color barriers than on speaking proper English.” CBS 5 in San Francisco reported today that Julia Baldwin Elementary School in […]
“We don’t want to offend other cultures.” Translation: “America was founded by white Europeans and we need to stop reinforcing that idea.”They’re proud to be un-American. City Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott is standing behind a Brooklyn […]
by John YoungForum moderators held their first meeting last night, and we are ready to roll! You’ll find a link to the new forum on the left.Matters of note: 1. Read the Board Rules!2. Your […]