Coney Island Today
Maybe not everyday, but enough days. Don’t go–unless of course you have a mind to actually clean up this sad generations’ mess. (Strong Content Warning) “>. 2012-06-06
The voice of the European American nation
Archival posts from 2007-2012
Maybe not everyday, but enough days. Don’t go–unless of course you have a mind to actually clean up this sad generations’ mess. (Strong Content Warning) “>. 2012-06-06
by John Young The setup for the new forum is complete and I have setup all members for whom I have current information. SOME of that information was less-than-current because the emails containing the forum […]
…after depicting her with a swastika on her face during Israeli concert. Madonna was today threatened with legal action and accused of being an ageing self-publicist after she depicted the head of one of France’s […]
<font size=”2″ style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>A <a target=”_blank” href=”″>comment</a> on a review of the book "Hellstorm," and the collapsing economy that will soon overwhelm the anti-white, rootless spirit in America, moved me to add this article by […]
Pretend for a moment that neocon hack Romney made a direct appeal to white Americans.Mitt Romney made a direct overture to Latino voters Tuesday, arguing at a campaign stop here that Hispanics are suffering the […]
The media hates you, you know… Is the mainstream media deliberately fabricating a myth of white racism in America in order to cover up an epidemic of black-on-white violence? While most Americans are aware of […]
Diversity is a code word for the replacement of white people with non-white people. Diversity is a code word for the ethnic cleansing of white people. Diversity is a code word for anti-white genocide. If […]
Although electing Sen. Paul as a running mate under Romney could potentially open up the ticket among a broader spectrum of GOP voters, it does not ring true with the agenda already outlined by the […]
We live in interesting times. Do not buy shares or bonds or savings certificates but instead rope and ammunition, because very soon you are going to need them. Use what time is left to you […]
Xenophobia is not a disease. It’s natural. Xenophilia is the disease. Video European-Americans are facing a challenge to our institutions, our way of life, and even our genetic continuity that hasn’t been seen since the […]