Dear BLM, Antifa, and Their Acolytes;
Be advised: You are nothing to cheer about. In fact, you are nothing. Period. (And as soon as the spell wears off, you will find yourselves in deep, deep trouble.) “Some of you have done […]
The voice of the European American nation
Be advised: You are nothing to cheer about. In fact, you are nothing. Period. (And as soon as the spell wears off, you will find yourselves in deep, deep trouble.) “Some of you have done […]
Can you just imagine if this takeover had been the work of White identitarians? The FBI would have ensured a reprise of Waco and Ruby Ridge within hours. Things are coming to a head, my […]
The following article won’t say it but we will: The Left’s message is clear: First, it wants to eliminate statues of white men. Soon it will BE white men. With race-driven anti-police protests nationwide, one-in-three […]
More degradation. More confusion. More intimidation. More filth. More lawsuits. In Monday’s ruling inserting “gender identity” into the word “sex” in a 1964 employment law, the U.S. Supreme Court called a man a woman, possibly […]
The shooter was continuously attacked, and even tried to leave the area when he was attacked again, which is in accordance to NM state law. So he defended himself. Naturally, the bed wetters and propagandists […]
Never, ever, EVER apologize, like that guy over there—> ‘It’s a project to force people to adopt a civic religion directly contrary to their knowledge of the world,’ says S.T. Karnick, editor of The American […]
There’s a good possibility now that many Whites, who are silently watching and preparing for the worst, are beginning to believe that no amount of tribute, other than mass suicide, would satisfy the demands of […]
We may already be past the point of saying no — and backing it up by any means necessary. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the most important Irishman in the world! To be honest, I don’t […]
As the Saint George (Floyd) rioting and destruction continue to spin out of control, blacks and other non-whites revert back to tribal violence in their Marxist enclaves. (Just a hunch: Someone, somewhere, will seek to […]
Their unbridled hatred of European man continues to go unanswered. Ever since the protests turned to riots over the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, rumors have flown that George Soros and […]