Our Submerged Natural Aristocracy
A term I often use is “submerged natural aristocracy,” so it makes sense for me to explain what the concept entails. No matter what facade is used, all governments are actually run by oligarchies. Sometimes, […]
The voice of the European American nation
A term I often use is “submerged natural aristocracy,” so it makes sense for me to explain what the concept entails. No matter what facade is used, all governments are actually run by oligarchies. Sometimes, […]
One of the most frustrating aspects of the modern power structure can be called its “informality.” In 1911, Robert Michels put forth his Iron Law of Oligarchy. The gist of his finding is that all […]
Like it or not, YOU are a “Nazi” now. I see some people here attempting to draw a distinction. It goes along the lines of: “Well, I don’t hate Jews, so I’m not a Nazi.”OR“I’m […]
Yet another loyal Facebook and PBS consumer, Ahmad Al Issa, a self-described devout Muslim, has mounted a mass-murdering campaign against European-Americans. It would be pointless for me to specify that such an action is objectively […]
There is escalating support in Eastern Europe for opposing the European Union’s drive toward LGBTQ / globohomo / open border tyranny. The European People’s Party’s only goals are the further centralization of the EU and […]
The following controlled opposition article won’t tell you but we will. Biden’s amnesty is nothing more than another layer of population replacement. Sixty years of public brainwashing have finally bore fruit and now culminated in […]
Is your son or daughter training to work in the “tech” field? Rest assured, should this act become law in 2021, they will eventually be passed over for employment by tens of thousands of Chinese […]
The literal definition of diversity is everyone living together happily ever after. But the functional definition of diversity is “no whites allowed”, and the lie of “diversity” is just another way to achieve it. This […]
Don’t hold your breath, New Hampshire. The opposition to this bill are the same people who believe NH is too white for its own good. But it’s a start. A state representative in New Hampshire […]
We are now, officially, post-political. That is to say that we have now reached the point where it is impossible to assert any will outside that of the oligarchy via the electoral process. That is […]